This is a super easy recipe for Eggless Marble Cake. You won’t believe the easy steps involved. You do not even need a hand beater or a stand mixer to prepare the batter. You just need to whisk by hand. There is no essence added in this cake. Instead, the zest of an orange is added. I strongly suggest that you use the same as it takes the cake to another level. (For the recipe with egg, click here)
Yield: About 1 kg.
Prep. Time: 20 Mins
Baking Time: 30 to 35 Mins
- Maida [APF] – 225 gms
- Butter (salted) – 240 gms
- Condensed Milk – 400 gms
- Milk – 4 tbsp.
- Cocoa – 15 gms
- Zest of 1 orange – ¼ tsp.
- Soda-bi-carb – ½ tsp.
- Baking Powder – 1tsp.
Step 1: Mix the maida, baking powder and soda-bi-carb and sift. Add the zest and mix. Keep aside.
Step 2: Melt the butter and let it cool.
Step 3: Whisk the condensed milk and the cooled melted butter with a hand whisk till smooth.
Step 4: Add the whisked condensed milk-butter to the flour mix and mix till smooth.
Step 5: Remove about ⅓ portion of the batter into another bowl. To this portion add the cocoa and the milk and mix well.
Step 6: Grease a 7 inch round baking tray with butter. Set your oven to pre-heat at 200° C for 10 minutes.
Step 7: Spoon in the batter alternating between the white and the brown batters. Run a fork gently in between to create a marble effect. Tap the baking tray to remove any air bubbles.
Step 8: Place the baking tray into the oven and bake at 200° C for 10 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 150° C and bake for 20 to 25 minutes till a toothpick inserted in the cake comes clean.
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