23rd July 2024

Batter Fried Squids

Batter Fried Squids

Batter Fried Squids / Calamari are a popular starter served in most restaurants in Goa. They are a perfect accompaniment to drinks and taste good fresh and hot. The trick to making good squid rings is the timing. They need to be cooked for just about 1 ½ minutes. Any longer and you’ll make them rubbery. ( For Fried Pepper Squid Rings, click here )

Serves: 6 Persons

Prep. Time: 15 Mins.

Cooking Time: 1.5 to 2 Mins. for a batch


[ Standard Measure: 1 cup = 250 ml]

  • Squids – 750 gms
  • Maida [APF] – ¼ cup
  • Corn Flour / Rice Flour – ¼ cup
  • Turmeric Powder – ¼ tsp.
  • Pepper Powder – ½ tsp.
  • Baking Powder – ½ tsp.
  • Green Corriander Leaves (chopped) – ½ tsp. (for garnish)
  • Egg – 1
  • Oil – for deep frying
  • Salt – 1 tsp. or to taste

Step 1:     Clean the squids and cut them into rings (¾ cm wide). Wash and drain well. Place them on paper towels to absorb moisture. Then apply ½ tsp. salt keep aside.

Preparation of Batter Fried Squids

Step 2:     Make a smooth batter with the maida, corn / rice flour, egg, baking powder, pepper powder, turmeric powder, ½ tsp. salt and 100 to 120 ml water. Add the squids to the batter.

Preparation of Batter Fried Squids

Step 3:     Heat oil in a kadai / frying pan on medium heat. Once the oil is hot enough (drop a drop of batter to test – it should not sink), switch to low heat. Use a bamboo skewer, pointed knife or your fingers to pick up a well coated ring and add to the hot oil. Add 8 to 10 rings at a time. Raise the heat to medium and fry whilst turning over in between for 1 ½ minute. Then do the next batch and the next till all done. Garnish with corriander and serve hot (remember to alternate the heat also).

Preparation of Batter Fried Squids

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