21st July 2024

Fried Pepper Squid Rings

Fried Pepper Squid Rings

This one is really easy, especially if you don’t need to clean the squids yourself. You can serve these Fried Pepper Squid Rings as a snack, starter or on the side. ( For Batter Fried Squids, click here )

Serves: 2 to 4 Persons

Prep. Time: 20 Mins.

Cooking Time: 2 Mins per batch


[Standard Measure – 1 cup = 250 ml ]

  • Squids – 6 medium sized
  • Maida [APF] – ½ cup
  • Pepper Powder (coarse, freshly ground) – 1 ½ tbsp..
  • Oil to deep fry
  • Salt – 1 ½ tsp.
  • A small zip lock or plastic bag

Step 1:     Clean the squids and make 1 cm thick rings. Then put in a sieve and allow to drain completely.

Preparation of Fried Pepper Squid Rings

Step 2:     Take the zip lock bag and add the flour, salt and pepper powder to it. Zip the bag and shake it to mix everything.

Preparation of Fried Pepper Squid Rings

Step 3:     Heat oil in a pan. When hot lower the heat slightly.

Step 4:     Place a few rings into the zip lock bag, zip it, and shake to coat the rings. Remove and shake off excess flour mixture. Do this to coat all the rings.

Preparation of Fried Pepper Squid Rings
Preparation of Fried Pepper Squid Rings

Step 5:     Finally fry the rings, in batches, in medium-hot oil for 1 ½ to 2 minutes till golden in colour. Remove and place on paper towels. Serve hot.

Preparation of Fried Pepper Squid Rings

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